Wednesday, January 30, 2008

What every Christian single adult would like you to know...

There are very few times in my life that I think to myself, "I wish I was married." I am usually quite content to be single and even not to have a boyfriend. Then the very well meaning Christians in my life try to "help" me out.

The picture above is from our college and career class Christmas party. We had a really fun Murder Mystery party where we had to dress up in clothes from the late 1920s. The picture is of three of my closest friends and me. From Left to Right it is me (duh), Jay, Meagan & Kyle. The four of us hang out quite a bit and because of that people in the church have started to form some...well...theories.

Apparently Kyle and I are perfect for each other. We "look cute together." And apparently singing together makes us a couple. The first I time I got wind of this was right before a Sunday afternoon leadership meeting back in November. Kyle (who is the music intern) came over to sit by me and told me that two different people had asked his mom that morning if we were dating. I think my response burst out laughing. And apparently since then, more and more people have asked her about it.

Over the past couple of weeks, it has apparently become a popular conversation topic in our church. Meagan took her middle school girls life group out to lunch Sunday afternoon and the girls talked about how perfect Kyle and I are for each other. One of them even said, "Yeah, my whole family thinks so." (Which means that this was her sister, her parents AND her aunt, uncle and cousins who go to our church). When Meagan tried to tell them otherwise, they just said, "Just wait...they may think that now, but it'll happen eventually." I know most of the girls, so I sent one of them a message over myspace, and we ended up sending messages back and forth about it. Then this girl's mom and older sister were in my office chatting today, and I brought it up, and the mom said, "I've even heard that one." Apparently one Sunday when I sat by Kyle in church (to be fair, I was sitting by Kyle AND Jay), some of the youth girls were passing notes saying, "Look how cute Miss Nissa and Kyle are!" (So glad to hear they were paying attention to the IMPORTANT part of the service). :-) I just laughed when they told me this. And then...the mom and daughter started looking at each other and the mom said, "So...we won't tell, but is it even a possibility?" To which I just had to laugh and say, "No!"

Now it may sound mean for me to be so quick to shout NO everytime someone pairs Kyle and me up, but it really isn't! Kyle is one of my closest friends, and I love him to pieces, but anyone who's spent any extended amount of time around the two of us knows...I would KILL him! He has the exact same response to the question...NO!

The latest theory that someone has given to Kyle's mom is that Kyle and I will date, but the best chance at a long-term relationship will be Jay and me...So apparently I'm going to date Kyle, kill him, and then move on to his best friend (I think someone has too much time on her hands).

So...married Christians and Christian teenage girls everywhere...what every single adult at your church wants you to know is that it really is possible for us to be friends with the opposite sex without there being something romantically involved...I promise!

:-) I mostly think all of this is hilarious, though. Kyle and I are sure having fun with it!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

What Happens when you have Jay and Kyle as friends?

You build Missa (no I didn't misspell my name...that's the combo of Meagan + Nissa) Lego Land on your fireplace, of course!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Difference Parenting Can Make...

Because I work with grade school and middle school girls, I can tell you that Hannah Montana is quite popular with this age group! Her concerts are selling out rapidly and the tickets are going for unbelievable amounts of money. Parents will do almost anything to get ahold of told in this story...

The company decided to take away the girl's tickets. While I'm sure that was hard for the little girl (she was following her mom's bad example), she learned a valuable lesson. I'm glad that they made that decision.

Contrast that story with this one:

What amazed me the most about this story was that the two girls didn't know each other before the 5 year-old gave away her tickets. From hearing the mom speak as well, it's not a surprise where this sweet girl learned about compassion. And I LOVE hearing the little girl say that she wants to give everyone Hannah Montana tickets...very cute.

But overall, just a vivid contrast of the difference parenting makes in the lives of our kids.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Outdoor Warning Sirens Send False Alarm
At approximately 2:18 a.m. on the morning of Jan. 7 City of Hurst outdoor warning sirens malfunctioned for three full minutes. Reasons for the malfunction are undetermined as of this time. There is no emergency and no cause for concern.

You are probably thinking..."Nissa, you live in Euless, why do you care about the sirens in Hurst malfunctioning?" Well, Meg and I live on the very edge of Euless. Seriously...You turn Left out of our parking lot and you are in Hurst. This means that at 2:18 this morning, both Meagan and I (along with all our neighbors) flew out of bed and tried to figure out what the heck was going on! It took me another hour to fall back I'm a little grouchy today...