Monday, September 11, 2006

Yesterday I announced my resignation at church. I will be moving to the HEB (that's Hurst-Euless-Bedford) area in two weeks. I've been dying to post something about this for a couple of weeks now, but couldn't because I hadn't announced at church yet, and didn't want it to get out (more than it already had) before this Sunday.

It was a day of hugs and tears...Mostly from me! :-) One 5 year-old boy hugged me and said, "I will miss you." A mom told me that her daughter said, "But Miss Nissa hugs me every Sunday. Who will hug me now?" Come on! How was I supposed to get past that?!

I am very excited, though, about this move. I kept hearing comments about how much closer I'll be to school and that I'll have more opportunities to "meet people" (translation: snag a husband) now. Quite honestly, neither of those reasons affected my decision. Yes, I will be closer to school, and will hopefully be able to finish school a lot quicker than I originally thought, but it would take a lot more than proximity to the school to get me to move from Temple.

I am moving because God has shown me, in so many ways--through scripture, people, circumstances, just everything--that this is what I am supposed to do. Nothing short of that would cause me to totally pack up my life here and go somewhere else.

I am very sad to leave everyone here (thankfully, I'm only 2 hours away), and will miss everyone so much! I am, however, very excited to see what God has in store for me through this new start!

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