Monday, April 02, 2007

It's Raining, It's pouring...
Or at least it was this weekend. As a result, part of our church flooded..the part that happens to contain our offices. I got a call Saturday afternoon from our Facilities manager asking me if I would run up to the church and move some stuff around in my office so that it was mostly off of the floor. At first I thought he was playing an early April Fool's joke on us, but then wen I stepped into the church and the carpet floors were squishing (eew!), I realized he had told me the truth. Thankfully nothing important was ruined. So far, I only have a learner guide from one class in VBS ruined.

I also have these two machines (picture below) sitting in my office to help get all the water out of the carpet. The hallways smell musty and it is FREEZING in the offices because some of these contraptions have huge fans. What a mess!!

On the upside...I think this is the most clear my desk has been since I got here! (I had to move almost everything off of it, in case they needed to move it).

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