Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I just almost had a heart attack! as some of you know, my friend Meagan and I are planning to move in together in the fall. We are both very excited about this move and are pretty much counting down the days until we can get on the list for the floor plan we want (we can put our names down no sooner than two months before).

I guess about a month ago, Meagan just randomly asked me what I thought about us getting a snake. I asked her what kind and how big. She held up her index fingers about a foot or so apart and said, "just a bull snake." I didn't say no, but said I would think about it. We've talked about it some since then, and I thought, "why not?

I decided to blog about this, and typed "bull snake" into google to get a picture...and this is what I found:

Along with a description that said it would get up to 5-7 feet long!!! Needless to say, I stopped breathing! I called Meg with a panicky message...

A few minutes later, I realized that Meagan had said King snake, not bull snake. I looked that up, and although it still can get up to 5 feet just doesn't look as scary, although this quote from one of the sites made me shudder, "The most important point to emphasize is that kingsnakes and milk snakes, in fact all snakes, are amazing escape artists, and if there is even the slightest opportunity to escape, they will certainly find it."

Now...I think a king snake is a much prettier snake (there are lots of different kinds...this kind only gets about 20 inches long). I think I could handle having this snake in my place...

Although I'm betting this means that Luke will never visit me!! ;-)

Later Edit: Meagan called me back laughing at both of the messages I left her on the phone. She said that it was either a king snake or a corn snake that she wanted. She agreed that she didn't want anything that looked like it would kill her and eat her in her sleep! :-)

This is what a corn snake looks like...both are pretty...I could handle that... The other thing we agreed is that we have to give it a really girly name.


Luke said...

That is messed up. I can barely even look at the pictures.

Amy Renay said...

Why didn't someone tell me about 10 years ago that a snake was all I needed to keep Luke away?? Chris asked about getting a snake once and lets just say he has never asked again. NO WAY!!!

MEAM said...

"it just doesn't look as scary"

That's hilarious.

I'm not a snake expert, but if I'm not mistaken, they don't require much food. If you don't feed them all the time, they don't grow very quickly. So you can kind of stunt their growth by only feeding them once a month or something. I might have just made all that up, though.

kacole said...

Just FYI- Randy had a snake in his bachelor days and the darn thing escaped on a regular basis. The only time it really shocked him was when he pulled a towel out of the cabinet to find Monty (yes...a python...ha, ha) looking him in the face. Have fun with that!!

Meagan said...

Ha ha. I'm pretty sure I never said it would only be a foot long. But then again, maybe I was suffering from brain fog that day. In any case, I like the only feeding it once a month to stunt its growth idea. I'm looking that up.
You crack me up girl!

Anonymous said...

I guess Nissa doesn't want her mommy to visit her either!

Nissa said...

Don't worry Mommy; we'll put her away when you are there!

MEAM said...

So apparently I made that up. The closest information I could find says:

"The frequent feedings and allowing a captive snake to consume multiple prey animals at each feeding encourages rapid growth."

But nothing about keeping your snake small.

Anonymous said...

You said you keep the snake put away while your mommy visits. Did you not read what kacole wrote?!

Luke said...

Good one Amy!