Monday, October 16, 2006

It's been a long time...'s been forever since I've written in this thing. So long that Adam took me off of his "blogging friends" list! :-)

Wednesday I will have been in the office here at NP for 3 weeks. It has been a pretty crazy 3 weeks, too! Today I met the former children's minister. I didn't realize she was still a church member, so that's a bit intimidating. She's really sweet, though, and I think she'll be a huge encouragement for me.

My sweet new nephew will have to have surgery in January for his cleft lip and palate. I went to Amarillo from the 5th-7th (I think the quickest trip I've made ever!) to meet him. I spent several hours Friday playing with Aubrey and Brendon and holding Canthen. I tried to get Aubrey to say "Nissa" (She calls me Nini) and she couldn't quite get it out. She's talking so much, though!!! And Brendon is just a little ham (don't know where he could have gotten that from) Canthen is so precious and I can't wait to see how his personality comes out as he gets older. I managed to see all of my immediate family who lives in Amarillo on that Saturday at lunch.

Last week I spent most of the week at the National Preschool and Children's Conference (NPCC) in Arlington as part of my Moral Development of the Young Child class. Along with attending NPCC, we had to meet as a class and do some presentations and class discussion. I also have several large assignments that are looming that I'm not going to think about today...I'll think about that tomorrow...I sound like Scarlett O'Hara...that makes me want to rent Gone With the, I have no attention span today! Because of the conference last week, I haven't been in the office since before I went to I'm trying to figure out what in the world I need to be doing!!

Everyone here at NP is very nice...I really love the staff. But I miss everyone in Temple...especially Cindy and Andrea. I'm heading back that way in about a week and a half, though, so I'll try to see everyone. is calling...Happy Monday! And happy belated birthday to Morgan and Lisa!!

1 comment:

Amy Renay said...

Glad you came all the way to Amarillo and I did not even get to see you!!! Just kidding!! Tell your brother that his kids are really cute. Hope you have a good weekend.