Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I finally got around to buying an iPod (I've been saving up for awhile), and I am loving it!! I have been importing all my CDs to my iTunes and have put some of my favorites on my iPod to listen to at work (I'm someone who has to have background noise to work).

My favorite part of my iPod, though, is being able to listen to podcasts. I just love it! I listen to them when I'm doing work that is a bit monotonous and doesn't require me to concentrate as much (stuffing envelopes, working on VBS schedule, etc.). Right now I'm listening to Dave Ramsey. I can listen to podcasts on my favorite TV shows (Heroes, Lost, Veronica Mars, Gilmore Girls, etc.). I get a podcast that is a quick ettiquette lesson--only about 3-4 minutes long--that are wonderful (I'm a big Miss Manners' fan, so I like this type of stuff). I listen to theologians and authors that I like (my favorite podcast right now is Ravi Zacharias).

Any other suggestions of podcasts that I should check out? What about cheaper places to download music that iTunes?

1 comment:

Luke said...

You have to download music from iTunes if you want it on your iPod...all sorts of encryption and stuff involved there.
Check out Liam Goligher's podcast. He is the preacher of Richmond on the Thames...a Presby church in downtown London.
Glad you're listening to the gospel of Dave Ramsey also...he's the man.
Also, we may or may not be midway through season 5 of Gilmore season yet.